Breakfast Club


We operate a very popular Breakfast Club each morning from 8am onwards. We charge a nominal fee of £1 per child per day for attendance at Breakfast Club. This is to help us to meet the staffing cost of our two breakfast club supervisors who support the children when they arrive and organise activities such as games, pool, bingo, table tennis and craft activities.

All the food that we serve at Breakfast Club is free thanks to the support of the Greggs Foundation.

If you would like your child to attend breakfast club please contact the school office.


Parent's comments                                                                                                                             


Allows for our child to be cared for in a safe environment amongst friends prior to school. This allows my husband and I to start work at the correct time” 

“Breakfast club is a fantastic help on the days my child’s nan can’t take them to school while I'm at work"

“Breakfast club is helping my child grow in confidence and helping him mix more”

“My children are in different schools so I can drop off and get the other children in on time”

“Astmoor have provided a fantastic service to families with a breakfast club"



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